Friday, August 8, 2008

Daily Gripe

Hello, my name is Stu. Today my gripe is with politicians who lie with a straight face and a handy dandy $400.00 haircut. You stood smiling like a used car salesperson and denied you have done anything wrong - again and again you professed your innocence. A sheep in wolves clothing on the prowl.
How can you strut around dishing out your god fearing policies and morals and then walk away and commit adultery: when your wife struggled with cancer and the fear of death. I am so glad your campaign caused you to fall off your glass pedestal and fall face first into pig mud.
I am so totally disgusted with your arrogance and inappropriate behavior. And then let us not forget your $400.00 haircut. Why don't you go back from whence you came and chase ambulances once again. That career seems to suit you quite well.

Sincerly disgusted,

Mr. Pid

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