Sunday, November 30, 2008

Daily Gripe

Hello, my name is Stu. Today my gripe is with people who go out in public and use sidewalks, walkways, and other surface forms to move from one location to another. The key word here is - move. This does not mean stopping like a load of bricks directly in front of me or any other person traveling a walkway, sidewalk or boardwalk.
Some fools stop to chat on the cell phone, talk to their companion, consult a map or just stop dead in their tracks like a deer caught in a headlight at night. There are people behind you - people that need and want to get by. But can we? No. We are waiting for you to MOVE.
I would like to tape that song - 'move it, move it, move it' and hit the start button every time I get stuck behind one of you people. What is wrong with you? Does the world revolve around your every breathe? I think not. Get out of the way!!!!!
Then, you go to the next extreme and stop dead like a doornail (?) right in the entrance to a building or store. Get out of the way!!!!!
This life is not all about you. There are millions of other people trying to get somewhere and we can't with you stopped right there for no good reason. Get out of the way - let us get by. If you want to stop and smell the roses do it in a rose garden on the other side of the world - away from me. Better yet - stay home and give us all a break.


Mr. Pid

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