Saturday, December 8, 2007

Daily Gripe

Hello my name is Stu. Today my gripe is about those who park illegally in the fire lane. Why do you believe it is okay to park in the fire lane? You park directly beneath the sign that says ‘NO PARKING’ - ‘Fire Lane’. Is there something about this sign that you do not understand? Are you unable to read? Are you just plain lazy? How will you feel when an emergency vehicle cannot get into the store?

Perhaps you feel this sign does not mean you? Perhaps you believe you are special. Well, let me tell you – this sign is for you and you are not special. If you look there is a real parking space 20 feet away. But that may require you to walk a few extra feet. And believe me; it ain’t going to hurt you. Walk off a few of those extra pounds you’ve been carrying.
So the next time you park there illegally, I will be watching. I will stare you down. Although I don’t think you have the intelligence to get the drift. I may bring my camera take a picture of your car and license plate number and turn it into the authorities. This might be a great idea. Here’s the plan – everyone take a snapshot of this person and their license plate number – breaking the law. Then I will start a website to post the images of these abusers.


Mr. Pid

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