Saturday, July 19, 2008

Daily Gripe

Hello, my name is Stu. Today my gripe is with fools that drive motorcycles. Not everyone that drives a motorcycle is a fool. I understand that Florida does not require you to wear a helmet and that's okay we need organ donors. If you ride a bicycle you have to wear a helmet - makes sense to me?
I watch you weaving in and out of traffic almost clipping that car that is 10 times the size of you and your vehicle. You run the red lights and take the corner on such an angle it makes the hair on the back of my neck stand on edge. You do a wheelie when the light turns green. The weaving scares me the most. For some unknown reason the traffic rules do not apply to you.
I have seen the remains of motorcycle accidents and none of them look good. I'm sure the fatality rate is extremely high. This doesn't seem to bother you as you and your friend weave in and out of traffic with total disregard to double solid lines and traffic. Your little chickie perched behind you with her backside in my face.
There is nothing wrong with motorcycles just the fools who are not responsible and I have a feeling that they don't last long in this world. Living on the edge must be exhilarating for you. For me, every time I see a fool like you - I cringe - and hope we don't meet down the road with you splattered across the intersection.
There are so may alcohol commercials today that say - 'please drink responsible.' A public service message that most likely goes unnoticed - but maybe not. We should have commercials that say, "drive your motorcycle like your life depends on it.' I'm sure not too many would listen.


Mr. Pid

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