Thursday, September 18, 2008

Daily Gripe

Hello, my name is Stu. Today my gripe is with neighbors who do not possess common sense. Yeah - they're out there - and one of them is mine. Seems like a nice gentleman during the day when you pass him by. He does not speak first but that's okay. I always make a comment forcing him to have a mini conversation which is usually just one or two words. I try to be friendly.
It's 11 pm where are your tired weary bodies? In bed fast asleep - I would hope. Not so in my neighborhood. Mr. Not Talkalot is out in his backyard that borders my back yard with the stadium lighting on. And that's okay because I can get out out of my soft comfortable bed and draw the drapes. But on an almost breezy night like last night I have my sliders open hoping for that breeze to pay me a visit.
First I see the flash of stadium lights and then instantly this pounding noise. Sounds something like crews on a construction road team with jackhammers attacking the cement sidewalks. What the fluff? It's 11 pm in the middle of the night.
Why does he feel the need to go in his backyard that borders my back yard and create a construction zone? Does this person ever sleep. Perhaps he sleeps during the day? And what is he dismantling? The cement patio?
Then, my sleep deprived insane mind goes into overload about what is really going on over there. I watch too much T.V..
The wife? Maybe he has disposed of her and is burying her in his backyard? Could be she told him to go to bed and let the neighbors have a peaceful sleep and he did not like that comment.
I decided the breeze was just not worth all that noise. I got out of bed glared at the bright stadium lights and slammed the door, trying to make a statement of my own.


Mr. Pid

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