Thursday, May 15, 2008

Daily Gripe

Hello, my name is Stu. Today my gripe is with the CEO of Exxon. I am so mad - that steam is exiting from both of my ears. I can barley get my thoughts into words.
He is telling us - the consumers who are being raped at the gas pumps by THEM, to reduce our consumption. Cut back, buy more fuel efficient cars, combine trips, sell your SUV, take the bus and on and on. SCREW YOU. Your profits are unbelievable. And you have the audacity to put the burden and the blame on us. I'm sure your using your bike for trips to the store. I'm sure your cancelling your traveling plans due to high gas prices. I'm sure your buying less groceries so you can have money for gas to drive to work.
How dare you implicate us in your greed and ruthless attitude. How dare you say your profits are really not profits. My suggestions to you is use that bike, use public transportation and cut back on your travel and then talk to us the common people.
I would continue but the words I'm thinking are not appropriate!!!!

P.S. I own a fuel effecient car, I ride my bike and do use public transportation and I have CANCELLED my summer driving vacation. I'd stop buying gas for the lawnmower and not mow my lawn except the deed restrictions mafia would fine me for lack of compliance.


Mr. Pid

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