Monday, June 30, 2008

Daily Gripe

Hello, my name is Stu. Today my gripe is once again - gas prices. This weekend is a 3 day holiday weekend. Once I believe it was one of the most traveled weekends. Not so, anymore. This fourth of July - I - will be sitting in my backyard watching and listening to the neighborhood fireworks. Yes, they are illegal but they go on for about a week. Perhaps we could charge outrageous taxes on them to reduce the price of gas. Fireworks are illegal to purchase for recreation. They are legal for agriculture purposes. What a bunch of CRAP.

Back to the gas gouging prices - that impacts all of us, except for the CEO's of fuel companies. I can't afford to leave my cul-de-sac and that has a direct impact on other business's. I won't be going to the grocery store to purchase items for my trip. I won't be buying new clothes, trinkets, and I won't be visiting, parks, cafes and other establishments that rely on my business. Multiply this by hundreds and what happens? Business's raise prices to offset their merchandise decline or just go belly-up. The domino effect. People are laid off due to lack of business and the unemployment rate rises. Crime increases to offset the unemployment. Buildings are boarded up, taxes are not paid, people are homeless and gas gouging continues.

The world is falling apart, decaying and rotting away in deficits. Who suffers? We know the answer to that question and it is not VP's of fuel oil companies. They get richer and the average hard working stiff - gets stiffed. A vicious circle, not even a circle a dead end, with nowhere to go. What happened to all those who praised - thinking inside the box? Well the box is made out of cardboard, you dummy, and when it rains the cardboard gets wet and disintegrates. That is why I have always thought outside the box. I refuse to be confined in small spaces. I will sit in my large backyard and watch with amusement as the illegal fireworks light up the sky.

I cannot afford these high gas prices. Can you?


Mr. Pid

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