Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Daily Gripe

Hello, my name is Stu. Today my gripe is with people who use their cell phone's in public for private conversations. First, turn down that ringer as I can hear it from four booths away from you. Put it on vibrate and then perhaps it will shake up a few of the brain cells that you have left. And take that stupid thing out of your ear - you look like an alien and perhaps you are.
If you want a personal conversation take it outside. I'm sitting down trying to relax over breakfast and I have to listen to YOU talking with your attorney about being sued. Can I sue you fro being ignorant and stupid? I don't really care that you are behind in your mortgage payments. I pay mine and don't tell the world.
Who cares if your wife is sleeping with your best friend. Now would be the time to dump the wife or get a new best friend. I have enough of my own issues to contend with and I don't care about yours at 8 AM over coffee. Shut up, sit down and eat your breakfast in quiet. That's what the rest of us are trying to do and ignore your chatter.
Do we really need all these gory details and trash talk? No, you are not in this cafe to entertain us. Shut up and turn that phone off or take it to the back alley. If I was a server I would spill coffee on your cell phone.


Mr. Pid

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