Monday, March 3, 2008

Daily Gripe

Hello, my name is Stu. Today my gripe is with people who won't get out of my way. You know who you are. You are everywhere. You walk into a grocery store and STOP right in the middle of the entrance. Can anyone else get in? NO. We have to wait for YOU to move or get out of the way before we can enter. Obviously the world adheres to your schedule.

Then, try to exit the store and there YOU are stopped again right in the doorway. Take two steps to the right and let everyone else get past you. No, YOU stand there fiddling with your cell phone. If you need to make a call do it some place else. Blocking entrances and exits should be illegal.

There are also the stoppers at any event - they just STOP. Right smack in front of me. The aisles or walkways are narrow and I cannot get around YOU. MOVE. You stop for no good reason except perhaps to annoy the rest of us. Let me tell it like it is - 'you' do a great job in the annoyance department.

Many times I wish I had a cattle prod to move you along. I do have an umbrella with a semi-sharp point. Perhaps I should traverse the world with that.

"Excuse me", is alien to you or perhaps you have selective hearing. It's all about YOU and NO one else. Get out of the way. Don't you get it? The world needs to move. If you need to stop and smell the roses do it in a garden not a doorway or at the top of an escalator.

Move it or lose it. Get out of the way. Go home.

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