Thursday, March 13, 2008

Daily Gripe

Hello, my name is Stu. Today my gripe is with politicians and the public. Geraldine Ferraro made a comment about Obama. A true comment and now has been banished from Hilary's campaign. Why? She made the statement that Obama is getting so much attention because he is black. He is. And he is running for president. That certainly gets our attention. So why can we not say it. It's the truth.

If we do not want to hear the truth from our politicians and elected officials - why do we expect any truth from them? Why are we surprised when some official says "I will lower taxes", and then it never happens. We cannot accept the truth - we accept half truths and flat out lies.

When someone speaks the truth they are slapped down. The fact is Mr. Obama is black and is getting attention because of that. Why is that wrong? It's history making news.

The truth shall set you free!!! Or forever keep you hidden behind closed doors.

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