Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Daily Gripe

Hello, my name is Stu. Today my gripe is very specific and it targets product manufactures and their packaging woes or mine. And once again that packaging issue that gets under my thin skin. I purchased this timer for my watering system. It’s actually the third one I have purchased recently. So I should have known better.
The other two timers blew out. Apparently you need a pressure release value on these. No where on the packaging does it state this needed item. No where on the package does it state you need a 9 volt battery. Once again off to the hardware store, using up precious expensive gas and thereby adding to the ozone effect.
I can’t afford a hybrid vehicle so I make do with what I have. I do have a bike that I use for local purchases but never do I ride my pedal pusher vehicle on the main roads. It’s a jungle out there.
My next purchase is a 9 volt battery. They come in pairs. One cannot buy a single 9 volt battery. At least these are not leaking acid like the batteries to the clearance flashlight I bought. So let’s go back to my original gripe of packaging nightmares. I need to know information pertaining to your product. I am not a mind reader or expert. Well, I do believe I am filled with expertise just not in that category. My expertise of late is griping and I am proud as a turkey about that. I can’t say – proud as a peacock – that term is so overused. Turkeys aren’t as pretty or as smart as peacocks. I go with the underdog. I see myself as an underdog always at the mercy of others.

P.S. I just opened the junk drawer in the kitchen to put away the remaining 9 volt battery. There for the entire world to see is the last two pack (1 left) 9 volt battery I purchased for the last now defunct timer.

Truly yours,

Mr. Pid

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