Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Daily Gripe

Hello, my name is Stu. Today my gripe is with people who have no clue. There are many out there invading our space but specifically those that think they own this land. I read an article in the paper yesterday about a couple that lives in a Florida town called Ozona. Ozona is a wonderful area perched on the Gulf of Mexico.
This homeowner found a 4 foot Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake in his backyard. Okay - this is Florida we have rattlesnakes that have been here much longer than us. On a daily basis we remove their habitat and let them fend for themselves or die out. We want to build a housing development who cares about the destruction of the habitat? We want it we go for it! Take those pesky gators, tortoises, owls and so many other creatures and dispose of them.

Back to the chump in Ozona - he calls the Sherriff's department to remove this snake. This is a 4 foot snake I can't even imagine how old he could be. Mr. Lawman shows up and shoots the snake. Hello? The point of this is - WHAT? Is there a reason we didn't capture the snake and take him to a safer friendler place? Why shoot him? What did he do? Yes, we did take away his habitat but we don't care. We want a piece of land and we grab it. All present tenants go away or be shot.

The wife stated she was so glad the snake was dead. Why? What possesses people to be so uninformed and stupid? If we continue on the hunt to remove wildlife what will happen to us? Why can't we all just get along?

1 comment:

frog ponds rock... said...

That is just so sad... poor dead snake..*sigh* and I bet they didn't even eat it.. So what a waste as well as a crime...