Saturday, February 23, 2008

Daily Gripe

Hello, my name is Stu. Today my gripe is with people who smoke and toss their cigarette butts on the ground. Not only is this disgusting it's also littering. The other day I was at a local park attending a children's birthday party. The area was right next to a great play space. The kids could play but were within a few feet of watchful eyes.

There was this young lady at the park (not attending the party) and she had two small children. She was smoking away like a chimney. Right there in a children's play area with two of her own children. That in itself was bad enough. At one point I saw her toss the cigarette but right on the lawn near the picnic tables where the festivities were taking place. Was she annoyed because she was not invited to the party?

First and formost, one of the children could have stepped on the still burning butt. Second it was rude and it's littering. Why do smokers feel they have the right to toss their trash on the earth? If you choose to smoke that's fine but clean up after yourself and be responsible.

My mission for you - walk down any street or in front of your house (I constantly find butts tossed on my driveway) and count how many discarded cigarette butts you can find. Our watch the number of drivers who toss their cigarette butts out the window. It's amazing and disturbing. How will we ever save the earth with attitudes like this?


Mr. Pid

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