Thursday, April 17, 2008

Daily Gripe

Hello, my name is Stu. Today my gripe is with TURD drivers. You all know who you are or should? Then, again you are probably clueless like the gal I witnessed this morning.

Car number 1 a big turd SUV pulled directly out within feet of another car. Last I knew one didn't pull out onto a major highway right smack in front of another vehicle who obviously has the right of way. The STOP sign means stop the car.

Car number 2 slows down and blows their horn at the big turd SUV. I am walking down the sidewalk in fear of my life.

Car number 1 the big turd SUV (female driver) blows her horn at car number 2 and flips them off.

Okay - who has the right of way and who is the big turd? So, big turd SUV driver do rules not apply to you? Do you even know the rules of the road? Because of you big turd SUV driver our insurance rates go up and people are hurt and killed.

You are what you are - - a TURD driving a big turd SUV.


Mr. Pid

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